Epoxy floor paint fade because of the following a, the weather resistance of the material is not good, received sunlight will turn yellow; b, varnish acidity higher and stored in the barrel of chemical reaction, making the color darker; c, pigment density difference makes the density of large sink, density of small rise, resulting in pigment delamination; d, paint itself qualitative change E and metal powder pigments are corroded by residual free acid, resulting in dark green pigments. 环氧地坪漆变色的解决办法1、环氧地坪漆在使用时要进行长时间的搅拌.2、金属的颜料与清漆要求分开储存,以免发生腐蚀现象;3、按需要选择树脂和颜料,例如室外环氧环氧地坪漆则需选择耐光耐热性较好的丙烯酸环氧地坪漆.4、酸性较高的涂料最好不要使用铁质的桶来装.
Solutions for discoloration of epoxy floor coatings 1. Epoxy floor coatings should be stirred for a long time in use. 2. Metal pigments and varnishes should be stored separately to avoid corrosion. 3. Resins and pigments should be selected as needed, such as outdoor epoxy floor coatings, acrylic floor coatings with better light and heat resistance and acidity. High paints should not be packed with iron buckets.