主题:什么是门式脚手架一般在哪里使用 [收藏主题] |
门式脚手架是建筑用脚手架中,应用最广的脚手架之一。由于主架呈“门”字型,所以称为门式或门型脚手架,也称鹰架或龙门架。这种移动脚手架主要由主框、横框、交叉斜撑、脚手板、可调底座等组成。1.用于楼宇、厅堂、桥梁、高架桥、隧道等模板内支顶或作飞模支承主架。 Portal scaffold is one of the most widely used scaffolding in construction scaffolding. Because the main frame is "door", it is called a door or door scaffold, also known as a scaffold or a Longmen rack. This scaffolding is mainly composed of main frame, horizontal frame, cross bracing, foot plate, adjustable base and so on. 1. for building, hall, bridge, viaduct, tunnel and other formwork supporting roof or flying mold support main frame. 2.作高层建筑的内外排栅移动脚手架。 2. for internal and external scaffolding of high-rise buildings. 3.用于机电安装、船体修造及其它装修工程的活动工作平台。 3. work platform for mechanical and electrical installation, hull repair and other decoration works. 4.利用门式脚手架配上简易屋架,便可构成临时工地宿舍、仓库或工棚。 4. the use of portal scaffolds with simple roof frames can form temporary site dormitories, warehouses or sheds. 5.用于搭设临时的观礼台和看台。 5. for temporary viewing stands and stands. |
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