主题:门式脚手架搭设顺序及规范流程 [收藏主题] |
为了确保门式脚手架搭设的安全性,门式脚手架搭设过程中每个环节和步骤都非常重要。因此需要严格安装门式脚手架搭设技术规范进行操作,以及搭设完毕后的检查工作。下面移动脚手架厂家小编和大家分享下门式脚手架搭设顺序及规范流程。 In order to ensure the safety of portal scaffolding construction, every link and step in the process of portal scaffolding construction is very important. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly install technical specifications for the erection of portal scaffolding for operation and inspection after erection. The following mobile scaffolding manufacturers Xiaobian and you share the next door scaffolding erection sequence and standardize the process. 门式脚手架搭设顺序及步骤 Sequence and steps of portal scaffolding erection 1、门式脚手架搭设顺序为:基础准备→安放垫板→安放底座→竖两榀单片门架→安装交叉杆→安装脚手板→以此为基础重复安装门架、交叉杆、脚手板工序。 1. The erection sequence of portal scaffolding is as follows: foundation preparation cushion plate base erection of two single portal frames installation of crossbar installation of scaffolding repeated installation of portal frame, crossbar and scaffolding based on this. 2、 基础必须夯实,并宜铺100mm厚道渣一层,且应做好排水坡,以防积水。 2, the foundation must be strengthened, and 100mm thick slag should be laid on the first floor, and drainage slopes should be well prepared to prevent stagnant water. 3、 门式钢管脚手架应从一端开始向另一端搭设,上步脚手架应在下步脚手架搭设完毕后进行。搭设方向与下步相反。 3. Portal steel tubular scaffolding should be erected from one end to the other. Upper scaffolding should be carried out after the next scaffolding has been erected. The direction is opposite to the next step. 4、门式移动脚手架的搭设,应先在端点底座上插入两榀门架,并随即装上交叉杆固定,锁好锁片,然后搭设以后的门架,每搭一榀,随即装上交叉杆和锁片。 4. For the erection of portal scaffolding, two portal frames should be inserted into the base of the end point, and then the crossbar should be fixed and the lock sheet should be locked. Then the later portal frames should be erected, and each frame should be fitted with the crossbar and the lock sheet. 5、门式钢管脚手架的外侧应设置剪刀撑,竖向和纵向均应连续设置。 5. The scissors support shall be installed on the outside of the portal type steel pipe scaffold, and both vertical and vertical shall be continuously arranged. 6、 移动脚手架必须设置与建筑物可靠的连结,连结件间距横向不得大于3步架,竖向不得大于3步(门式脚手架高度〈20m时)、2步(门式脚手架高度〉20m时)。 6. The scaffolding must be connected reliably with the building. The spacing between the connecting parts should not be greater than 3 steps in the horizontal direction, 3 steps in the vertical direction (scaffolding height 20m), and 2 steps (scaffolding height 20m). (2)门式梯形脚手架的拆除 (2) removal of portal scaffolds. 1、 拆除梯形脚手架前的准备工作:全面检查脚手架,重点检查扣件连接固定、支撑体系等是否符合安全要求;根据检查结果及现场情况编制拆除方案并经有并部门批准;进行技术交底;根据拆除现场的情况,设围栏或警戒标志,并有专人看守;清除脚手架中留存的材料、电线等杂物。 1. Preparations before removal of scaffolding: comprehensive inspection of scaffolding, focusing on checking whether fastener connection and support system meet safety requirements; preparation of demolition plan based on inspection results and site conditions and approval by departments; technical disclosure; fencing or warning signs according to the situation of demolition site; and There are special attendant guards to remove materials and wires from scaffolding. 2、 拆除架子的工作地区,严禁非操作人员进入。 2, dismantle the shelves of the work area, strictly prohibit the entry of non operational personnel. 3、 拆架前,应有现场施工负责人批准手续,拆架子时必须有专人指挥,做到上下呼应,动作协调。 3. Before demolition, approval procedures should be carried out by the site construction person in charge. When demolishing the shelf, special command must be given to coordinate the action from top to bottom. 4、 拆除顺序应是后搭设的部件先拆,先搭设的部件后拆,严禁采用推倒或拉倒的拆除做法。 4. The dismantling sequence should be to dismantle the parts that are erected first and then dismantle the parts that are erected first. It is strictly forbidden to adopt the dismantling method of pushing down or pulling down. 5、 固定件应随脚手架逐层拆除,当拆除至最后一节立管时,应先搭设临时支撑加固后,方可拆固定件与支撑件。 5. Fixers should be removed layer by layer with scaffolding. When the last riser is removed, temporary support should be installed before the fixtures and supports can be removed. 6、 拆除的脚手架部件应及时运至地面,严禁从空中抛掷。 6, dismantling scaffolding parts should be transported to the ground in time, and no throwing from the air is strictly prohibited. 7、 运至地面的脚手架部件,应及时清理、保养,根据需要涂刷防锈油漆,并按品种、规格入库堆放。 7. Scaffold parts transported to the ground shall be cleaned up and maintained in time, painted with rust-proof paint as required, and stored in storage according to varieties and specifications. |
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