
时间:2018年10月30日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

环氧地坪漆在固化之后也应该是刚性适中,如果发脆,就会出问题。 环氧地坪漆为什么会在固化之后会发脆呢?

Epoxy floor paint after curing should also be moderate stiffness, if brittle, it will be a problem. Why is epoxy floor paint brittle after curing? 大致原因如下:

The main reasons are as follows:


The construction site temperature is too high, causing the epoxy floor curing speed to accelerate, resulting in brittle.


The imprecise proportion of epoxy floor paint affects the curing of epoxy floor paint, which is the most common mistake.


Other curing agents are added to the floor paint, which makes the floor brittle. This is also the most common mistake that builders make.


Knowing the reason why the floor is crisp, how should we avoid such mistakes?


In construction, we must pay attention to the environment of the construction site, if the temperature is too high or too low is not suitable for construction, when the temperature is too high, the curing speed is too fast, and when the temperature is too low, the curing speed will be too slow, will affect the quality of the floor;


In view of the inaccurate proportion of floor paint materials, it is necessary for the builders to improve their skills and familiarize themselves with the proportion of epoxy resin and curing agent. If they really do not understand, they can ask the manufacturer, and then make the proportion after determination, so they can not blindly carry out.


When choosing curing agent, be careful. Some epoxy resins have certain requirements for curing agent. If you don't know, you can also ask the manufacturer. You can't mix them up without knowing.


If you do not pay attention to the early construction, resulting in the use of the floor in the process of brittle problems, it will bring great inconvenience to the use of the floor. It also needs to repair the floor and waste manpower and material resources.

(作者:无锡搬家 编辑:admin)
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