
时间:2018年10月31日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


There are many factors affecting the price of epoxy floor paint. Besides the amount of epoxy floor paint, there are also selective floor paint construction techniques, including the scope of the construction floor and so on. The wages of workers on holidays are three or four times more expensive than usual. 对于时间紧迫,工期比较赶的客户而言,想要在节假日短短的几天时间里迅速完成环氧地坪漆施工,这就要求环氧地坪漆施工师傅们除了要牺牲掉节假日的休闲时间外,还得额外的加班才能保证地坪施工进度。有些对于节假日环氧地坪漆价格过高而无法接受的,环氧地坪漆厂家一般都会建议客户错开这样的时间段,选择平常的工作日施工即可,但是有一点需要考虑到的就是,厂房地面是工人们作业的地方,如果要进行地坪漆施工就需要厂家遣散工人们,牺牲掉全体员工的工作时间把地面空置出来才可以。

For customers with time constraints and shorter construction periods, in order to finish the floor paint construction quickly in a few days during the holidays, floor paint builders are required to sacrifice their holiday leisure time as well as extra overtime to ensure the construction schedule. Some of the holidays for the price of epoxy floor paint is too high and unacceptable, epoxy floor paint manufacturers will generally advise customers stagger such a period of time, choose the usual workday construction can be, but one thing to consider is that the factory floor is where workers work, if you want to carry out floor paint construction on It is necessary for workers to send away workers to sacrifice the working hours of all the staff to vacate the ground.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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