
时间:2018年11月11日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


Gas steam hot-blast stove is a device that uses fuel combustion to release high-quality steam. Essentially, it is a process of energy conversion from primary energy (gas) to secondary energy (electricity). In thermal power plants, high temperature and high pressure water vapor generated by gas steam hot-blast stove promotes steam turbine and generators to generate electricity. So hot blast stove is one of the three main equipments in thermal power plant. 燃气蒸汽热风炉实现了自动一体化的质的变化,燃气蒸汽热风炉因其稳定性好、抗干扰性强、编程容易而在工业控制上处于主流控制地位。由于燃气蒸汽热风炉的成本投入相对较低、工作现场条件恶劣,但安全性要求很高,所以要求现场设备间的通信顺畅,而把总线和控制器相结合,就能使得工业现场的监控和数据联络变得更加容易,而且稳定性大大增强。

Gas steam hot-blast stove has realized the qualitative change of automatic integration. Gas steam hot-blast stove is in the mainstream control position in industrial control because of its good stability, strong anti-interference and easy programming. Because the cost of gas-steam hot-blast stove is relatively low, the working conditions are bad, but the safety requirements are high, so the communication between field equipment is required to be smooth. Combining bus with controller can make the monitoring and data communication of industrial field easier, and the stability is greatly enhanced.


Gas steam hot-blast stove is an industrial hot-blast stove that combusts fuel and outputs steam. Improving the economy of gas steam hot-blast stove can not only reduce the operation cost of enterprises, but also meet the national policy requirements of energy saving and consumption reduction. Measures should be taken to save water for power generation, such as maintaining reasonable concentration ratio of circulating water, increasing ash-water ratio of ash removal and comprehensive utilization rate of wastewater recovery.


Improve the efficiency of gas steam hot blast stove, reduce the exhaust gas temperature, air leakage rate and fly ash combustible content of steam hot blast stove, do well the combustion adjustment test of hot blast stove in pulverizing system, and work out the operation cards of various working conditions, as the operating basis of operators.


Chemical supervision of gas-steam hot-blast stove operation strictly controls the hardness of condensate water, water-soluble oxygen content, PH value of feed water, pot water and steam quality, and prevents corrosion, scaling and salt accumulation on heating surfaces such as hot-blast stove, condenser and heater, as well as on the flow passage of steam turbine, resulting in deterioration of operation conditions of hot-blast stove equipment.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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