
时间:2018年11月15日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


Hot blast stove is a kind of energy conversion equipment. The energy input to hot blast stove is in the form of chemical energy in fuel, electric energy and heat energy of high temperature flue gas. After hot blast stove conversion, steam, high temperature water or organic heat carrier with certain heat energy is exported. It is used for heating and drying in coal mines, mines and animal husbandry. The main working principle of hot blast stove is a kind of thermal equipment which utilizes the heat energy released after fuel combustion or the waste heat in industrial production to transfer to the water in the container, so that the water can reach the required temperature or a certain pressure steam. In the part of combustion equipment, fuel combustion continuously releases heat, and the high temperature flue gas generated by combustion transmits heat to the heating surface of hot blast stove through heat transmission, while the temperature of itself gradually decreases, and finally is discharged by chimney. 熟悉了热风炉的工作原理更有利于充分发挥热风炉的工作效率,简单故障及时排除,以上就是成都找人公司的工作原理的简单介绍。

Familiar with the working principle of hot blast stove is more conducive to give full play to the working efficiency of hot blast stove, simple troubleshooting in time. The above is a brief introduction of the working principle of hot blast stove.


In our daily use of hot blast stoves, we often just operate in accordance with the schedule, and the performance of the stoves is unavoidably affected over time. So how about the thermal work of hot blast stoves? How can we improve work efficiency? The following points will greatly improve the efficiency of the hot stove.


First is the moisture content of coal. The higher the moisture content of coal, the lower the calorific value. Therefore, in the process of using coal-fired hot blast stove, the pulverized coal must be dried before entering the stove to reduce the impact of moisture on the combustion of power generation boilers.


Second, the ash content of coal. The high ash content will slow down the flame propagation speed, delay the ignition point, decrease the combustion temperature, worsen the combustion stability, even cause fire extinguishing, at the same time, the high ash content will easily aggravate the wear and tear of the equipment and shorten the service life of the equipment. Because it is necessary to choose good quality low ash coal as fuel.


Third, sulfur content of coal. Sulphur burns to produce S02 and S03, which are easy to corrode equipment by synthesizing acidic substances with water vaporization in flue gas. Therefore, coal with low sulphur content must be selected as fuel.


Of course, there are many factors affecting the hot stove, not only the above three points, but as long as the above three main points are well done, the working efficiency and service life of the hot stove can be greatly improved.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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