
时间:2018年11月21日信息来源:无锡搬家公司 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


The technology of temperature utilization in flue gas system of biomass fuel hot blast stove is an efficient and energy-saving boiler, which can recycle the white smoke produced by biomass fuel hot blast stove into heating and reduce the heating cost of natural gas. The project uses natural gas fuel as the driving heat source of the absorption heat pump integration technology and complete equipment, fully recovers the steam condensation heat from the flue gas of the boiler, and the exhaust temperature drops below 30 C, which greatly improves the energy efficiency of the boiler system. After the implementation of this project, the consumption of natural gas per unit heating area has been reduced by more than 10%, and the benefits of energy saving and emission reduction have been remarkable. On this basis, the emission of sulfur dioxide in the existing flue gas has been further increased by more than 25%. Experts believe that this project is an innovation of energy saving transformation in the field of biomass fuel hot blast stove heating. Without increasing the original load of the boiler, it can simultaneously improve the heating capacity, significantly reduce the natural gas consumption of biomass fuel hot blast stove, reduce heating costs, and achieve energy saving and emission reduction. 据悉,生物质燃料热风炉烟气余热利用技术——锂吸收式能量回收技术可高效回收生物质燃料热风炉烟气热能,能够提高供热效率,降低天然气消耗量,且投资回收较快,环境和经济效益显著。

It is reported that lithium absorption energy recovery technology, a waste heat utilization technology of biomass fuel hot blast stove flue gas, can efficiently recover the heat energy of biomass fuel hot blast stove flue gas, can improve heating efficiency, reduce natural gas consumption, and the investment recovery is faster, with significant environmental and economic benefits.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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