
时间:2018年11月21日信息来源:无锡搬家公司 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


Is the hot stove good with biomass or coal? Theoretically, it must be a biomass hot stove. The smoke and dust discharged into the atmosphere by hot blast stoves are 99% less than those discharged by coal, which is much lower than the national emission standards. Not only that, energy efficiency has also been remarkable. It is estimated that the orange stalk biomass fuel hot air stove can save 40% of electricity and 33% of water and 1500 tons of coal per year compared with coal-fired hot air stove.


Biomass pellet fuel is energy saving, environmental protection and low cost. The burning materials of biomass fuels in Huayuan Front Line do not contain sulfur and phosphorus, and do not produce sulfur dioxide and phosphorus pentoxide, thus minimizing pollutants. The service life of hot blast stove can be prolonged without corrosion of hot blast stove. Ash after burning biomass energy is a high-quality organic potassium fertilizer, which brings some benefits to enterprises, thus greatly saving maintenance costs for enterprises.


Biomass hot-blast stove is a kind of hot-blast stove, which uses biomass energy as fuel. It is called biomass hot-blast stove. It is divided into biomass steam hot-blast stove, biomass hot-water hot-blast stove, biomass hot-blast stove, biomass heat conducting oil stove, vertical biomass hot-blast stove, horizontal biomass hot-blast stove and so on.


Environmental protection of hot stove


At present, there are more than 500,000 industrial hot stoves in China, and the annual coal consumption is about one third of the total national coal consumption. The environmental pollution caused by coal-fired industrial hot stoves is very serious. A large number of industrial hot stoves must be replaced with clean energy. According to the conditions of biomass resources in our country, using agricultural and forestry residues as hot stove fuel is environmentally friendly and renewable. Studying biomass combustion technology of industrial hot stove and developing biomass fuel hot stove are of positive significance to saving conventional energy, optimizing energy structure and reducing environmental pollution. Righteousness.


Due to the limitation of power, natural gas supply and gas pipeline, it is impossible to change all coal-fired hot stoves into electric or gas-fired ones in China. The low price and low operating cost of biomass hot stoves make it easier for users to accept and promote, which just fills this gap. Biomass energy granular fuel is a kind of granular fuel, which is made from all the waste crops such as straw, rice straw, firewood, sawdust, peanut hull, melon seed hull, beet meal, bark, etc. by crushing, mixing, extrusion and drying. In our country, its raw materials are widely distributed, and its processing technology is advanced. Biomass energy granular material is famous for green coal, which is a clean energy source. As the fuel of hot blast stove, it has long combustion time, high temperature of intensified combustion furnace, and is economical and economical. At the same time, it has no pollution to the environment, zero CO emission and zero SO emission. It belongs to renewable energy and can be recycled, and can replace wood, coal and natural gas. The running cost is only half of that of gas. A large amount of raw materials produced by agriculture in China provide a strong material guarantee for the popularization of biomass hot stove. It can not only solve the problem of straw burning for farmers, but also make full use of resources. The burned ash is a very good fertilizer, which is a great move. Hengyang Dacheng Hot Blast Furnace Co., Ltd. believes that biomass hot blast stove will reduce PM2.5 emissions and effectively promote the development of environmental protection. 

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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