
时间:2018年11月27日信息来源:无锡搬家公司 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

热风炉测温精密度成都收账依据,在目前成都找人公司工业制造行业中使用设备成都收账商家是越来越多.市面上收账设备也是五花八门,让人无从下手选择.其实选择成都找人公司依据之一在于其测温的精密度高不高.厂家生产的光纤测温设备-热风炉,自动化的进展和优化控制数学模型的控制原理、系统结构和应用。本公司又基于基础自动化的数学模型和人工智能技术相结合 ,开发出优化控制系统 ,可以明显提高热风炉的热效率 ,提高风温 ,降低能耗

There are more and more businessmen using equipment in the current industrial manufacturing industry for the basis of temperature measurement precision of hot-blast stove. The equipment on the market is also various, which makes people have no choice. In fact, one of the bases of choice is that the precision of temperature measurement is not high. Fiber optic temperature measurement equipment manufactured by manufacturers - hot-blast stove, the progress of automation and so on. Optimizing the control principle, system structure and application of the mathematical model of control. Based on the combination of mathematical model of basic automation and artificial intelligence technology, the company has developed an optimal control system, which can significantly improve the thermal efficiency of hot stoves, increase air temperature and reduce energy consumption. 热风炉在工业炼铁领域有着至关重要的作用,因此,热风炉的温度测量及监控显得尤为必要,但是传统的测温方式存在着耗资大、不方便等缺点,因此,济南厂家热能设备有限公司提出新型测温方式——分布式光纤测温,并将其应用于热风炉。分布式光纤测温技术是近几年新发展的一种用于实时测量空间温度场数据的高新技术,它是基于光时域反射技术(OTDR)及拉曼散射测温原理发展的。

Hot blast stove plays an important role in the field of industrial ironmaking. Therefore, it is necessary to measure and monitor the temperature of hot blast stove. However, the traditional method of temperature measurement has some shortcomings, such as high cost and inconvenience. Therefore, Jinan Thermal Energy Equipment Co., Ltd. proposes a new method of temperature measurement, distributed optical fiber temperature measurement, and applies it to the field. Hot blast stove. Distributed optical fiber temperature measurement technology is a new high-tech for real-time measurement of spatial temperature field data in recent years. It is based on optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) and Raman scattering temperature measurement principle.


Because the key part of this technology is signal demodulation, this paper synthetically studies various demodulation methods of distributed optical fiber temperature measurement and the characteristics of hot blast stove temperature measurement, and innovatively proposes a dual-terminal dual-channel demodulation method (DTDC). The application of distributed optical fiber temperature measurement technology based on DTDC demodulation in hot blast stove is introduced in three parts. Firstly, taking hot blast stove as the research object, this paper introduces the research background and significance of the subject, the research status of hot blast stove temperature measurement and distributed optical fiber temperature measurement at home and abroad, and the necessity of putting forward a new demodulation method.


Secondly, starting from the development of hot blast stove temperature measurement and the existing demodulation methods, this paper puts forward some problems, and then puts forward solutions to the corresponding problems, and obtains the overall structure design of the system, which is mainly divided into hardware and software modules. The hardware structure is mainly composed of light source, sensing optical fiber, optical switch, wavelength division multiplexer (WDM), photoelectric detector and signal acquisition and processing module combined with FPGA and DSP. The software module includes the program design of data acquisition, denoising and demodulation, as well as the environment configuration, and the program settings of the connection between hardware and PC.


Finally, the performance test of the temperature measurement system combined with software and hardware is carried out. It is concluded that DTDC is better than other demodulation methods by comparing different demodulation methods in the laboratory. Then the temperature measurement accuracy and resolution of the system are tested. The results meet the requirements of hot blast stove industrial field. This paper is devoted to applying the latest research results of distributed optical fiber temperature measurement to a hot blast stove temperature measurement system of iron and steel, and testing the temperature measurement accuracy and spatial resolution of the system. The test results show that the equipment system of Jinan Thermal Energy Equipment Co., Ltd. is easy to install. The range of temperature can be measured is - 10 ~ 200 C. The maximum error of temperature measurement is not more than 0.5 C. The positioning accuracy is 0.5 m, which meets the industrial requirements. It has good theoretical significance and application prospects in the field of hot blast stove temperature measurement.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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