
时间:2018年11月21日信息来源:无锡搬家公司 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


Biomass hot stoves can be divided into two categories according to their uses: one is biomass hot stove, the other is biomass electric energy hot stove. There are also: biomass hot water stove and biomass hot air stove. In fact, the two principles are basically the same. Both of them obtain energy by burning biomass fuel, but the first one directly obtains heat energy, and the second one converts heat energy into electricity. Among the two kinds of hot-air furnaces, the first is the most widely applied technology.


If we continue to subdivide, the first type of hot blast stove, biomass heat stove, can also be divided into three categories:


The first type: small biomass heat stove. This kind of hot blast stove uses solidified or gasified biomass fuel to provide heat energy in the form of hot water. Its advantages are small size, simple structure and low price. Its disadvantages are large energy consumption, large fuel consumption, low heat supply, which can not meet the large demand for heat energy. This kind of hot blast stove aims at single rural household. Heating and domestic hot water supply.


The second category: medium biomass heat energy stove. This type of hot stove mainly uses solidified biomass fuel to provide hot water or steam. Its advantages are mature technology, low energy consumption and strong heat supply capacity, while its disadvantages are coking of some hot stove fuel and unreasonable matching design. The "Spiral Wing Burner Technology" of Shandong Hill Biomass Energy Company has solved the problems of insufficient combustion and coking of medium-sized biomass hot stove.


The third category: large biomass heat stove. This kind of hot blast stove has no actual product, the main reason is that the existing technology is not perfect, and the national policy of biomass instead of coal is not perfect, so it only stays on the concept. It emphasizes a centralized management, centralized control of the thermal energy project, hot blast stove as only one of the equipment to ensure the normal operation of the whole biomass thermal energy project, therefore, it has a high demand for fuel, combustion technology, supporting technology, and related policies. 

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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