
时间:2018年12月06日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


After scaling in hot blast stove, it is necessary to insist on certain working pressure and evaporation. As long as the temperature of fire side is improved, the thicker the scale is, the lower the thermal conductivity is, the higher the temperature of fire side is. Generally speaking, the temperature at the fire side of the hot blast stove is at 850 C, while the temperature at the water side is at 147 C. When there is no scale, the temperature of the steel plate is at 110 C. Once the scale is at 1 mm, the temperature of the steel plate is 140 C higher than that of the scale-free steel plate. When the temperature of 20 # steel plate reaches 315 #, the plastic targets of the metal begin to decrease. When the temperature reaches 360 #, the metal will creep because of overheating. So scaling in hot stove is very simple to burn metal.


The emission of gas-fired hot-blast stove is much lower than that of coal-fired hot-blast stove. According to Lyalan, after switching to natural gas, the emission of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide from heating hot blast stoves can be reduced by 60% and 99.5% respectively. In addition to reducing pollutants, heating power will also improve substantially. At present, the thermal power of coal-fired hot blast stove is between 60% and 85%, while that of gas-fired hot blast stove is over 90%. Some old coal-fired hot stoves in Beijing urban area will be converted into gas-fired hot stoves. In the future, the heating power will be increased by 30%. The Beijing Municipal Government will also discuss and adjust heating subsidies, skew to natural gas heating, encourage and guide heating companies and residents to select clean energy.


When installing Nanning steam hot stove, the surrounding environment should be ensured to be safe, and no debris should be accumulated to prevent the occurrence of incidents. It is necessary to check the protection of steam hot stove regularly. It is necessary to find problems in time and correct them in time. It is not more serious than checking again when big problems arise, so the loss will become more serious. After purchasing steam hot stove, we should maintain it well and extend its service life. Generally, the outer surface of steam hot stove is maintained by dry method. The desiccant is placed in the container such as iron plate to close the hand hole and other hole caps. If the quicklime is changed into powder, it should be replaced immediately.


Although there are hundreds of steam stoves near the hot-blast stove product market in China, I believe that no one can match the steam stove. This kind of steam stove is not only of high quality, but also convenient to install, because of the development needs of many professions, steam. The sales volume of hot stoves has always been innovative, and gradually there are many kinds of hot stoves. The purpose of these different kinds of hot stoves is to make different professions more comfortable to choose and use.


There are many shortcomings in hot blast stove plant: besides the disordered structure, there are many questions in the aspect of incineration, such as: incomplete coal incineration results in short output of hot blast stove, high carbon content of slag, black smoke, poor adaptability of coal type, inability to burn secondary coal, large leakage of coal from furnace discharge, etc. Layered incineration technology can better deal with the doubts existing in chain furnace. The restriction of coal type: the coal type should be chosen first in the scheme of hot blast stove. Seriously speaking, it is certain what kind of stove burns what kind of coal. When the burning scheme uses coal and reaches the burning requirement, the hot blast stove can adjust the additional parameters. However, in our country, not only can not meet such high demand, but also the supply of hot-blast stove burning coal is appropriate imbalance, based on what coal burning what coal.


Hot-blast stove is a kind of biomass hot-blast stove with high performance-price ratio. Its two major goals are not lagging behind in 10 years. One is thermal power, up to 90%, and the other is dust removal and environmental protection. Few factories in the country can achieve such energy-saving effect. If we do not seek a high cost-effective alternative to oil-fired and gas-fired hot stoves, then biomass hot stoves are coal-fired hot stoves, but all coal-fired hot stoves can incinerate biomass fuels, so the hot stoves gradually form high quoted biomass hot stoves. 

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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