
时间:2018年12月06日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


Nowadays, with our progress, our awareness of environmental protection is becoming stronger and stronger. According to the investigation and statement of Changsha New Concept Hot Blast Furnace Shopping Department, nowadays, besides paying attention to the quotation and application of steam hot blast furnace equipment, we are also paying more and more attention to the environmental protection questions of the process of hot blast furnace application. How can we do it together without affecting the heating function, that is, energy saving and environmental protection. Next, the technicians of the new concept hot-blast stove will explain the selection process of the environmental protection hot-blast stove. The selection process of environmental protection hot blast stove is as follows:


Nowadays, a large proportion of heating equipment in shopping malls are steam hot stove, bathhouse hot stove, heat conducting oil hot stove and so on.


The type of special heating hot stove and the number of hot stoves should be selected according to the user's request and characteristics. Firstly, the total heat load of the hot-blast stove house should be determined correctly. The quality standard of Wikipedia should be based on the maximum heat consumption per hour of production, day and heating. Besides, the coefficient of utilization, heat loss of pipe network (resistance loss of pipe network) and self-use heat of the hot-blast stove house should also be considered. Secondly, we should think about the use of preheating questions. According to the local fuel supply, the suitable hot blast furnace incineration equipment is selected. The adaptability of each kind of incineration equipment to fuel is limited. If the selected incineration equipment is not suitable, the probability of potential results will affect the operation of hot blast stoves.


Choose suitable hot stove according to different use. For example, let's compare and approve the special heating facilities with the special hot air stove and steam hot air stove for hot water bathhouse. If it is used for regional heating, it is advisable to select a large capacity hot water stove to complete central heating. For superheated steam hot stoves, such as those used for power generation, steam hot stoves with superheater and temperature regulator should be selected.


Changsha New Concept Hot Blast Furnace Co., Ltd. is committed to the environmental protection transformation of hot blast furnace equipment. "Respect for nature, reverence for life", "Environmental protection starts from self", "Start from small things" We can see such environmental protection slogans everywhere. Yes, we really need to start from our own, keep the international side green, and make our home more beautiful. 

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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